Facilities List |
Milling - VF 8 New July 2006
- 30 HP Machining Center 50 Taper Tooling
- Table Travel x54” y40” z30”
- With 30 Magazine Tool Changer
- Laser Calibration
- Mitsuiseki Magnum 5
- 15HP Machining Center 50 Taper Tooling
- Table Travel x40” y20” z20”
- With 20 Magazine Tool Changer
- Bridgport Series I
- With bandit CNC Controller
- 4.2 Bridgport Texetron Manual
Lathe - Voest 16” Cut by 48” Length
Press - Hydraulic Press Manufacturing DPM
- 600 Ton Hydraulic Press 4’ht x 5’ x 5’ approx.
- Pacific Press 400 Ton 20 Feet approx.
- Bending, Braking, Punching, Corrogating, Drawing, Blanking, Rolling, Straightening
- Chicago Press Brake 12’ Feet
- Chicago Press Brake 6’ Feet
Sheer - Cincinnati 18 12 Feet Shear
- 1/4” Capacity, 1/4” Mild Steel With Slitting
- Unlimited Length
- Di-Acro Shear
- Capacity 18 Gage Mild Steel 2 Feet Shear
- Precision Metal Working Equipment
- Di-Acro Shear 1 Foot Shear
- Capacity 18 Gage Mild Steel
- Beverly Shear
- Use For None Liner Shear Applications
Grinders - Chevalier Surface Grinder (Magnetic)
- Oliver 30” Disc Sander With 4” Drum
- Burrking 20” Disc Sander
- Three Additional Burking Belt Grinders
- Burrking Polisher
Saw Machine - Do All Model V-3 6
- Delta Milwaukee
- Jet Cut Off Saw 12”
Drill Press Welding - Miller Syncrowave 350
- Constant Current AC/DC Arc Welding
- Power Source Tig Weld
- Hughes Model HRW 250 B Spot Weld
- ACME M 3/210 Spot Weld
- Lincoln Ideal Arc SP-250 B Mig Weld
- ES AB Plasma Cutter
Rollers - Meyers 5 Foot Powered
- Wysong & Miles 3 Foot Powered
- Brimingham 4 Foot
- Birmingham 2 Foot
- Peck Stow & Wilcox 14”
- Niagara No.172
- Lockheed 1910 & 1911
Punch Press - Di-Acro Turret Punch No.18
Dimensional Equipment & Measuring
- Latest Software June 2006
- A 3 Dimensional 40” x53”x24”
- Comparator 14 Inch Diameter
- With 20 Magnifications & 25 Magnification
- Surface (Granite) Plate
- Surface (Granite) Plate
- eet x 4 Feet
- Surface (Granite) Plate
- 4 Feet x 3 Feet
Computers - CNC Machine Programming
- With Surfcam Velocity Version 3.0
- Latest Revision And Surfacem Support
Forklifts - Caterpillar 50 GC25 New 98
- Caterpillar T40
- Clark 310 Ton
Laurel Sheet Metal Products, Inc.
7404 Laurel Canyon Blvd.
N. Hollywood, CA 91605
See map